Yellowstone Virtual Reality Field Trip Update


On day two I had the opportunity to watch a twenty minute video with my students about Yellowstone.  This was after we successfully were able to watch Old Faithful erupt live.  As we finished the video, we were able to hold a discussion about what they had learned from the video.  I worked with them making the suggestions as seen on my Mind Map on how to complete it.  With questioning and their input, we were able to complete a good portion of the map.  With several other planned activities, students will be able to complete more of the map on their own.

One interesting development that I uncovered when I was grading this weeks Blog posts by my students, was one student was so intrigued by what she learned that she wrote what she learned on her Blog page. To check out the short post on Carly’s Blog Post . As I started the second day, there was more engagement with everyone working to complete their own Mind Map.  I will give them one more period of working on their map individually, after I show an additional video about the park.